The miniature world of Mount Remarkable

Close-up of forest floor

Our first stop after the wildlife survey at Dakalanta Sanctuary was Port Lincoln, where we had some long-overdue work done on our camper trailer’s solar system.  Where to now?  We were heading in the general direction of Kangaroo Island, but decided to explore the Yorke Peninsula on our way.  It just so happened that Mount Remarkable National Park was a solid day’s travel from Port Lincoln, a good stopping off point.  Now, let us just state for the record that we don’t have shares in Mt Remarkable, it’s just that we love the place and find something new there every time we visit.  We stayed for many days, as usual, but the capabilities of our revamped solar system were tested to the maximum, as it rained pretty well the duration of our stay.

Think of rain in the Australian bush, and images of running creeks and flooding rivers, wildlife drinking from pools, and trees sucking up the moisture all come to mind.  But Mount Remarkable, in its own special way, gave us a different look at rain; showing us its influence on the miniature world…the world of fungi, moss, lichen and raindrops.  It was beautiful, totally unexpected, and somehow quite magical.  

Most of the following photos were taken using a macro lens, often of tiny subjects, some only several millimetres across.  Indeed, the details of many subjects only became visible upon opening up the photos on a larger screen.  We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed exploring Mt Remarkable’s miniature world.

4 April 2011

If you spot a gap through the leaves, you grow for it.

Tiny, delicate fungi emerge

Another perfect specimen

A miniature garden

Interesting patterns & texture

Yet another cluster of tiny fungi

A cluster of tiny fungi low on tree trunk

Pushing its way up through the leaf-litter

A different type - on tree trunk

A tiny garden

Moss and pine needles

Minute spore-heads on moss

Saltbush fruit at different stages of maturity.  The dark one is edible. Each about 6mm across

Snail, shell a little over 1cm wide, and tiny flower

Rain bubbles on leaf

Galah feather

Seed heads

Seed pods

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