The Falckes Visit the Centre

Nirbeeja, Bev & Les at Simpson's Gap

Well, work is over and now it is time to play again!!!
I have just completed 10 months of being a “check-out chick” at Woolies. At the time of completion, we still had 6 or so weeks before we get back out onto the road.
Reasons for finishing work early??……1. I had had enough. and 2. We had friends and relatives visiting.
Our first visitors were our friends Janice and Chris from Canberra, and Peter has told of their visit in a previous post.

Our next visitors arrived in October and were here for 6 nights. They are my sister Beverley and her Hubby, Les. They hail from Brisbane and had visited The Centre 9 years ago, took a tour bus from The Alice to Uluru and back to Alice and then back home. They didn’t really see Alice or the East & West Macdonnells. So they were pretty much a blank canvas on which we could impress the colours and beauty of our surroundings.

I took them to Standley Chasm, Ellery Big Hole, Simpsons Gap and Jay Creek in the West Macdonnells and Emily Gap, Jesse Gap and Trephina Gorge in the East Macdonnells.
We had had more rain in Alice a few days before their arrival and all of these places were flowing with more water than we had seen previously. Even the Todd River presented our visitors with another ‘trickle’.

Of course Alice Springs Desert Park was in the mix. Bev and Les are also nature lovers. We spent 7 hours there one day and then Bev and Les returned for another afternoon to catch up with talks etc. that we had missed on first visit.
And of course, as we do with all of our visitors, we went on the nocturnal tour at The Desert Park.
Anzac Hill and the Old Telegraph Station were also included in the tours.
I was exhausted by the end of the week, but I think that Bev & Les could have easily gone another round. I know that they were as thrilled and delighted with the area as we are. May they return many times over.

As for me, I was thrilled and delighted to have my sister here with me. We hadn’t seen them for three years.

Cheers from Delma/Nirbeeja/Lily (depending on who happens to be reading this at this time)
18 November 2010

Nirbeeja, her sister Bev and brother-in-law Les explore the approach to Simpson's Gap

Les, Nirbeeja & Bev admire the wildflowers, Woodland walk near Simpson's Gap

Two bird-watching sisters.  Nirbeeja and Bev (with binoculars) admire the wild Budgerigars

Adult Budgerigar feeding its young.  The youngster has a distended 'crop' from so much food in a bountiful time.  Its chest appears ready to explode!

It seems everywhere you look there are Budgerigars.

Bev & Nirbeeja at the Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs

Les & Bev atop Trig Hill, above the Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs

  • Some great photographs! I do like the two budgies. And thanks too for the very kind words (again) about the Desert Park.
    Gary Fry

    • admin:

      Thank you Gary. We can never say enough about the Desert Park – it is one of our all-time favourite places. You guys do an amazing job there.

  • Bev & Les:

    We had an awesome time in October 2010 with Delma & Peter. Anyone thinking of catching up with them on their travels can be sure they will look after you as they are excellent tour guides and know their stuff. Highly recommended. Thank you Delma and Peter

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