Wildflowers of Western Australia
Western Australia is deservedly famous for its wildflowers. One of the first things you notice upon travelling through WA is the soil, if you could call it that. Most of WA is sandy and dry, and at first glance appears unlikely to support much in the way of plant life. Yet travel through the state during the springtime and you will be astounded at the range of wildlfowers on display, especially if there have been good winter rains. We wondered whether the range of flowers was in some part due to the high mineral content of the sandy ground.
We saw countless different wildflowers and no doubt there were many we missed. For a couple of days while we travelled through the Kalbarri and Murchison districts in the central west of the state, we seemed to be stopping the car every few hundred metres to explore another new specimen, or new field of colourful blooms. Some of the flowers were tiny, some large, others richly scented, there were ornate orchids growing in the most unlikely places, and wattles large and small. There were the most delicate pinks, gaudy reds and yellows, sky blues and brilliant whites. We loved the range of colours, flower shapes and plant forms in the native Hibiscus family alone, particularly in the Pilbara region.
We’ve already posted some photos of Sturt Desert Peas, other native flowering peas, and Mulla Mullas on this site. Plants have been identified wherever possible, but much work remains to be done, and we may have made some errors. Please contact us with any corrections.
We hope you enjoy the following photos, of which there are almost 200. Each gallery contains 20 photos – when you finish viewing one gallery, click on the final photo, then simply click on the next number below the photos to access the next gallery.
What a spectacular display of Mother Nature Blooming and Blessing
us all with Her great Love and Beauty and Healing
Pati Hueneke